Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Birthday Party Pictures!!!

We had Jenna's 4th Birthday Party at Bounce U this year and I couldn't have been more pleased with how it went.

Every year we say we are going to have her party someplace...then we end up changing our minds and doing it ourselves and then regretting it. It always ends up being outside, in the 110 degree heat. We have our whole family chipping in with cleaning, set up, cooking, tear down and clean up....etc...etc...etc... and we are all wiped out by the end of the day. Not to mention the fact that I never really feel like I've had a chance to enjoy MYself because I'm so busy making sure all the little (and big) things get done and everyone's having a good time.

NOT so this year! The staff at "Bounce U" took care of E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Daddy and Mommy got to have fun with Jenna and really enjoy ourselves.... and I got to do what I love best...take pictures of it all.

Enjoy!! (although MANY are a little blurry....sorry)

Party hasn't even started yet....but someone is excited!!!

Watching the obligatory video on how to be safe while having fun....

Jenna and Daddy were one of the first ones down the slides!

Marisa and Jenna headed down the slide!!

...and Elizabeth!

Madison had her game face on....

Marisa and Elizabeth having fun...

Our neighbor Jillian and Emily going down the slide...

Bill and Evan....down the slide!

Owen having fun!!

Carol holding Ryan...

Cutie Pie Paul...

Katie goes down the slide!

Uncle Scott is C-R-A-Z-Y!!

....but so is Daddy...

Nathan liked the basketball

Delaney had fun on the slides....

...and on the bouncy ......"thing"

Macie...ready to go again!

Smile Avery!

Auntie Elaine seemed to be enjoying herself too!!

a shot of the party-goers...

Daddy, Mommy and Jenna pose for a picture with the cake. Maddie and Avery too. Whatcha doin there Avery?? ha ha

Little hams...

My best friend Sara's little guy Bradley....such a cutie!!

She was soaking up the attention...


She was folding the clothes after she opened them....which is funny to me because at home....her clothes get crumpled on the floor.

Such the little lady..

...but still SO GOOFY!! Everyone was "oohing" ...and "ahhhing" over all of her gifts as she pulled them out. So she was pretending like this little shoe hanger was a gift and waiting for everyone's reaction.

Pretty dress from Gramma Kye Kye and Poppy...
Gorgeous skirt from Uncle Scott, Auntie Kimmie and Maddie....

The super cool "plasma car" she got from Grandma Mary...

and threw it all (well most of it anyway)....Ryan slept....


1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Oh what fun! And great pictures Kelly! It looks like everyone (even sleepy Ryan) enjoyed the big party! That place looks like a blast and smart idea this time to have SOMEONE else do all the work ... I very much regret having home parties - they seem to stress me out more than make me happy!

I hope you all have a great 4th of July!

Hugs from MN!
Rebekah, Jaden and Charlotte