Sunday, April 11, 2010


Things have been so crazy lately that I haven't even had a chance to post pictures from Easter!

It started out with a little egg hunt at home. The kids woke up and went to the front yard to find out that the Easter Bunny had been busy!

He had munched on ....and then dropped the carrots we left for him....

He brought chocolate bunnies and filled their baskets with special goodies. case you can tell from the pictures...

...Jenna was particularly excited about one basket gift in particular....


Then...once the baskets were was time to fill them up again with all the eggs the Easter Bunny had left them.... that was one busy bunny! There were LOTS OF EGGS!!

Checking out the haul. (Pay no attention to the mound of unfolded laundry please!)

a stowaway!!


After our little egg hunt at home....we headed to my Uncle Jim and Aunt Kathy's house for some lunch and playtime.

Jim and Kathy have a large old house on a ranch with lots of things to do and places to wander and explore.

Cousin Alivia with her steer
The steer wasn't too sure....but Aunt Kathy and Alivia were bound and determined to have Jenna pet him....
Ryan and Daddy decided to watch from a safe distance
Jim and Kathy also have a fun trampoline....which I'm pretty sure is Jenna's favorite thing to play on at the ranch...
Jenna bouncing with Cousin Kailyn
Is it my turn yet guys??
Kailyn was happy to take Ryan for a bounce....
They bounced and bounced....
Until someone (and I won't name names) was all. bounced. out.
a little more playtime with the cousins (Kailyn and Haeden) before we had to move on to the next party....

Next, we headed over to Jim's Aunt Jane and Uncle Art's house for more fun and another egg hunt!!
A great action shot! Nearly caught Elizabeth in mid air! These girls are serious about their egg hunts!
Ryan...just taking it all in.
Wonder what he was thinking about all this craziness??
Checkin out the loot!
Cousin Simon trying to convince Jenna to trade him her quarters for a paper dollar. Not sure how good this trade would have been (or who would have benefitted the most) but Jenna wasn't having it...
Then, of course, Mommy had to get some pretty shots.....

All the sweet! (L-R) Elizabeth, Ryan, Jenna and Marisa.

opening MORE gifts these kids sure are loved!

After the hunt....we enjoyed some dessert. Including the bunny cake that Jenna and I made as a fun little surprise. HOPPY EASTER EVERYONE!

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