Sunday, May 3, 2009

A crazy busy weekend...

As usual...we had a busy weekend!

On Friday, Jenna had a dentist appointment. The hygenist cleaning her teeth in this picture is Michelle who also used to clean my teeth when I was a little girl!

Then, later that same day, Jenna got a haircut! Here's a few "before" pictures:

She looks thrilled doesn't she?

The cut....

The stylist kept saying "She has such beautiful hair!!" and I wanted to tell her to stop saying was making it harder to cut it all off!!

But the end result was A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!

Jenna LOVED it!

Then, we had time to visit with Uncle Scott who came to town for the weekend:

Anyone besides me notice a little resemblance between those two??

Uncle Scott is SOOO funny!

Then we went to the carnival at Gramma Kye Kye's school....

Jenna enjoyed the spin art....

and the bouncy slide.....

Then, on Sunday, we got together with family to celebrate Grandpa Tomas' birthday (he passed away in October, 2006)
Here's a pic of Jenna with cousins Elizabeth (left) and Marisa (right)
and we even went to lunch at Jenna's favorite restaurant...where we saw Jenna's favorite BIRD!!

Then....back at home...Mommy had to take some more pictures.... (cause that's just what I do)...

It was a busy and exhausting...... but very fun weekend!!


melanie, aka Mo said...

That is my FAVORITE haircut! I always wanted a little girl whose hair I could cut just like that and put that gigantic bow on the side just like that! But.... Ellie is a brillo pad, so we may just have to let that stuff grow and do its own thing! Gabbi might be my saving grace! So cute! Melanie

Rebekah said...

What great pictures Kelly! And I will also say I LOVE Jenna's Big Girl haircut! She looks so grown up now - what a beauty!!!! I also can not believe that Ryan is almost as big as she is!!! TOo funny ... he is growing so fast and changing so much! Handsome little man ... oh and Jaden would agree with Jenna - RED ROBIN is her Favorite place too! Yummy! It looks like you guys have been enjoying some wonderful weather with lots of fun stuff to do ... we are finally warming up here so we are looking forward to busy weekends outside!!!

Oh and I still didn't get your email - not sure why ... try this one ...

Hope that works!

Hugs from MN!
