Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Muffins with Mom!

For Mother's Day Jenna's preschool had a "Muffins with Mom" event! All the moms (and a couple of grandmas) were there to have coffee and muffins with our kiddos! It was really cute and Jenna and I had a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a lot of pictures...but here are a few...

Jenna eating her muffin (chocolate-chocolate chip....Mommy's favorite too!!) YUMMY!!

Jenna and her friend Zachary. They are in the Trusting Turtles class together.

Jenna and Mommy

Zachary and his Mommy Kacey (Kacey and I used to work in the church nursery together and were reunited after many years when our kids ended up being in the same class this year!).

Jenna showing me the flower she made for me for Mothers Day (she wouldn't stand still for this one).
It's now sitting on my desk at work. It says.... I Love my Mommy Because...."She gives me kisses before night-night." - Jenna
I must say I was extra proud at how sentimental and sweet Jenna was. Especially after I saw the messages written by some of her classmates which included....
I Love my Mommy Because....

"She is my Mommy."
"I Like Her."
"She has brown hair."
"She is taller than me."
....you get the picture....

Jenna's friend Zachary was willing to take a picture with his flower for his mommy.

it says..... I Love my Mommy Because..."She gives me breakfast." - Zachary :)


It was a fun day!

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