So I leave the tub running and follow him into the bedroom. He's been in there, alone, for 1 minute max. I figure...what could he have possibly gotten into in a measly 60 seconds or less? I knew there was nothing dangerous in I wasn't worried.
Apparently....I have a lot to learn about child-rearing. This is the scene I walked in on.
(Don't mind the dirty laundry on the floor). In less than 60 seconds, he had somehow managed to locate a full container of silver glitter (don't even know how/why it was in our bedroom....darn Jim!) it....and dump it all over the bedroom carpet.
Isn't that cute?
And...again...cause I apparently have a lot to learn about child-rearing....instead of grabbing the vacuum and immediately working to clean up the mess...I grabbed my camera....which sent the message to my young impressionable children that this sort of behavior was not only tolerated.....

....and we still have glitter in the bathtub....the carpet....the hallway...our hair.....
OF COURSE this has to happen hours after the cleaning lady has left. GEESH!
I know you said that glitter is from Jenna's project, but I think Jim may have a litte something to do with it...we know about his glitter problems.
The best part is that there seems to be dog/cat poo in the top picture. You're talking about glitter but all I can look at are the stockings that I truly thought were poops at first glance! I'm loooooving this! Blog stalking!
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