Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Lake!

So I'm finnnnalllly getting around to posting about the awesome trip we took with Jim's family up to the lake! Jim's sister rented this GORGEOUS house and invited everyone (aunts, uncles, cousins...etc...) up to hang out and celebrate GranMary's birthday!

We had a fabulous time playing games, watching movies, BBQ'ing, visiting, cooking, performing skits, etc...etc... we jam packed a lot of fun into two days and can't wait to do it again...hopefully sooner than later!

Here are a few pictures of the fun that was had! Unfortunately I uploaded MOST of the pictures I took onto Jim's laptop while we were at the cabin and a few days later....the hard drive crashed. Therefore pictures that were taken on the first day (of the skits, BBQ, games, etc...) were lost. Jim is hoping he might be able to recover them...but it's not looking good. :( Lots of other pictures were lost too and I am beyond distraught just thinking about it!

Good think I'm a picture taking maniac so I do have a few pictures that were still on my camera that were taken on the second day. Enjoy!

The cabin:

inside pictures....

Everyone under the age of 40 slept in this room....very comfortably too I might add!

The kids....

The girls.... (Elizabeth, Jenna and Marisa)

Uncle Al and Uncle Art enjoying the morning air...

Elaine spotted some dandelions.....what fun!

They enjoyed themselves SOOO much!

Ryan enjoying the attention of all the girls...

PART of the "crew"

Ryan....ready for the ride home...

Thanks again Auntie Elaine for helping us to make GREAT memories!!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Oh Kelly that looks like a wonderful way to spend time with family! It looks like you all had a great time! Hope your week goes well!

Hugs from MN!