Saturday, May 24, 2008


They are so sweet when they are sleeping aren't they?

Just had to share this cute picture I took today during her nap. She loves her "babies" and has to have at least one in bed with her when she sleeps.
I'll post more stuff later! We are going out to dinner with my parents tonight to celebrate my birthday (tomorrow).

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Back again...

It's been crazy around here lately and I haven't had much time to update the blog. I know...excuses excuses. The good news is that I have been taking lots of pictures and have a ton to share today! Over the past few days/weeks we have been busy....

Playing in the yard....

Going to dinner with friends.....

Godfather Dave & Rose

Rose is Jenna's FAVORITE
Visiting with friends.....

Jenna and Bradley

Playing in the water at the mall....

Getting our haircut...

Going to ballet....and L-O-V-I-N-G it!!

Going to Karate....and tolerating it....

Celebrating Mother's Day....and spending time with our cousins

Marisa and Jenna playing restaurant


and going to birthday parties....

In a nutshell we've been having lots of fun! I'll try to do a better job of updating...I promise!

P.S. - Thanks to the few of you who signed in on my blog. I love to know who's reading. If there are any other lurkers out there please sign in and let me know who you are!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Who Goes There?

So in less than 5 months I have over 1,100 visitors/page views on my blog but only 2 or 3 people ever sign in. I'm so excited that so many people are visiting...but I'd LOVE to know who you are! Please leave me a note or something so I know who's visiting me! I look forward to meeting some more new people!

Friday, May 2, 2008

"The Skaters Like Daddy"

These warm days and cool evenings mean one thing around our house....the Mosquitos are out in full force. Poor Daddy is their favorite and he can't be outside once the sun starts setting or he gets eaten alive. We've mentioned this to Jenna a few times and apparently...she gets it. For the most part.

Tonight, as the sun started to hit the horizon and the coolness of the evening started to set in I said to Jenna..."It's time to go in. It's getting dark!" to which she exclaimed...

"Daddy...lets get out of here! The SKATERS are coming!!"

Those darn skaters ruin everything! ;)

Thursday, May 1, 2008 50th?

...I just realized that this is my 50th entry in this blog. I'm pretty proud of myself! I so love documenting our lives electronically rather then in a scrapbook. It's so much I decided to upload some pictures of our weekend. Jenna had her first ballet class and had SO much fun. I was so proud of how well she listened and followed instructions. She did great! Here are a few pictures...she's the one in the pink w/the tutu. The class "uniform" is a blue leotard with pink tights and pink ballet shoes. Since it was our first class and was technically a "trial class" to make sure she (and we) liked it...she was allowed to wear whatever she wanted.

I think it's safe to say she enjoyed herself and we'll be investing in a blue leotard and pink tights right away!