Friday, March 14, 2008

Hippity Hoppity ....

....Easter's on it's way! That's one of Jenna's favorite songs lately and she sounds so cute when she sings it.

Last weekend, when Scott, Kim and Maddie were visiting, we took the girls for some Easter/Spring pictures...complete with live BUNNIES!

The girls had fun with the bunnies however once bunny #2 (who liked to grunt a lot) bit was game over. The rest of the pictures were "bunny-less" so to speak.

Here are some of the best shots. They really turned out cute. It's not easy taking cute pictures of 2 moody toddlers...but when you throw in a grouchy bunny or two....well....lets just say the adorable final outcome was a pleasant surprise for us parents!!

Maddie was obsessed with not letting her feet near the bunny. It was hilarious!

"Keep that bunny away from my toes!"

Have a happy weekend!


Jensen Ong Macus said...

i like your daughters photos
i like your pets

Kim said...

We love the pictures!! Had to put them on my blog, too! Thanks for emailing me all of them!!