Sunday, March 2, 2008

Weekend in Review

We had a fun filled weekend! On Saturday morning we went to the mall for the monthly Kids Club event. Jenna got to dance, sing and listen to stories with her new friend Emma and they even got to see the Easter Bunny! Later that day, we went to Jenna's friend, Macie's, 3rd birthday party! Jenna got to play with her friends Mattie and Macie along with a bunch of other new friends.

There was lots of cake and ice cream and a big inflatable slide. It was wild!

On Saturday night Jenna got to go visit "GranMary" and Grandma Elena for some fun while Mommy and Daddy got a night to themselves to go to a movie.

Judging by the way she crashed out on the way home, I'd say she had a fun-filled day!

She's sacked out but she's NOT letting go of that drink!!

On Sunday, we ran errands

and managed to squeeze in a trip to the pet store to check out the dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, hamsters, chinchillas and fish!

After a quick nap our neighbor Avery came over to play with Jenna on her new swingset!

She's now off to dreamland and Mommy and Daddy are headed that way too. Back to the daily grind tomorrow!


melanie, aka Mo said...

Hey, Kelly...
Gosh, arent' those girls AWESOME!? With this new adoption looming, most assume we are hoping for a boy. I am not. I could take a couple of those cutie pie girls in a heartbeat! Todd won't say what he wants. In fact, he is not totally sold on the idea entirely at all yet! Melanie, aka Mo

Casey Jo said...

Hey Kelly,
Just popping in to check on your Weekend! Looks like Jenna had a blast! I love reading about her!

Anonymous said...

busy bees this weekend! Jenna is such a cutie pie, thanks for sharing Kelly, your blog cracks me up