Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ryan is TWO!!!

We had Ryan's 2nd Birthday Bash at Bounce U. He LOVES this place and he (and everyone else) had a BLAST!!!

Here are some pictures of the fun that was had!

Here comes the Birthday Boy!!!!

Goofy Bradley!

Silly Brayden!

Sisters Delaney and Macie

The Birthday Boy getting ready to slide down again with a group of friends and Bradley's Daddy Greg!

Cousin Elizabeth!

Cousin Marisa!

Ryan playing a little basketball...

Dave and Paul climbing up the big slide!


Brayden and Addison doing some bouncing!

Macie attempting the spiderweb!

Julia just trying to figure things out...

Silly Mr. BradleyMadelyn with her daddy Randy (also Addison and Brayden's Daddy!)

Nana Mary and Mommy enjoying all the bouncing kiddos!

Mommy and Sara her BFF from Elementary School! Sara watched Ryan 3 days a week from the time he was 8 weeks old till he was almost 2!!

One of my other best friends Catherine and I.

We had no clue DJ was behind us...lurking...

DJ and Melissa

DJ and Jim. I can't even begin to tell you WHAT they were doing....

Cousin Mackenzie says "Socks? I don't need no stinkin socks!"

Poppy and Kye Kye had fun!

Another shot of Madelyn!
Let's get this party started! Brayden and Mackenzie sit with Birthday Boy Ryan waiting for some cupcakes and ice cream!

the cupcakes!

Lighting the candle!!

Everyone was singing to him...

Going after that cupcake!! Love the expression on Jenna's face.


Our family!

Mackenzie enjoying her cupcake!

His first taste of soda. That was a special birthday treat....won't be happening again for awhile buddy!

Silly man Brayden!

Darn crooked crown!

Bradley and Paul. Bradley is Sara's little boy and Ryan and he became very close during the years they were babysitting for us!

Jenna's pal Addison!

Cousins Madison and Jenna (can you see part of the sign I made in the background? It was a train that said "Happy 2nd Birthday Ryan")
Time for presents!!


And then Mommy had to go at it solo for a bit after Ryan lost interest in the gifts...

I might have gone a bit overboard in my role...

The big gift from Mommy and Daddy...a new bike!!

he would NOT sit still for a picture!

Poppy and Kye Kye with the Birthday Boy

Grandpa Jim with the Birthday Boy...

Nana Mary and the (fidgety) Birthday Boy...

The older girls eventually lost interest in the "baby stuff" and started playing with the iphones.

I take it as a sign of things to come.....*sigh*

My friend for over 30 years, her husband Keith and their little boy Chase...

Chase and Ryan checking out some of his new presents...

Brayden apparently found some cake on Ryan's cheek....

My attempt to get a quick picture of the Birthday Boy on the Birthday Throne.

He wasn't at all happy when I took his blankie away...

From this picture you can tell it was in site because he has his thumb in his mouth...

It was a FABULOUS DAY!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday RYAN!!!