Saturday, July 10, 2010

Five Days of FUN!!!

Jenna attended 2 weeks of 5 Daze of Fun (Vacation Bible School) this year at the same church where her preschool was held. She had a fabulous time!

The idea at 5 Daze of Fun is that all the kids were matching shirts for the entire week...however this kid typically had other plans and fought us just about every morning...wanting to wear something different.

On the Friday of the first week of "Daze" it was her birthday and she got her wish....I let her wear whatever she wanted. THIS is what she chose....

I didn't fight it. However, that night there was a presentation and a big party at the church for all the "Daze" kids and she gave in and wore the shirt...although she still insisted on the flower crown.

Here she is with Silly Baby (aka Sarah Palin) before the big show....

Standing with her teacher and class...getting ready to go up on stage...

All the kids on stage doing their thing!

Do you see her? The crown makes her a bit easier to spot at least...

The songs were so much fun that she memorized them almost instantly and constantly asks to play the CD in the car. It's great music!!

Ryan watching the show....

and then doing some dancing....

after the was time to let loose in the bounce-house!! Always a welcome activity!

5 Daze of Fun was a GREAT experience and she can't wait to do it again next summer!!

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