Here are a few highlights from Christmas 2009....
We started out on Christmas Eve at my Uncle Jim and Aunt Kathy's house where we spent time with my mom's side of the family...including my mom and dad, my grandparents (Mimi and Boppa), Aunt and Uncle, Kathy's dad Peter, my cousins Matt, Coleen and Ted, Ted's wife Tiffany, Matt's wife Kristen, Coleen's son Eric, Kathy's kids: Lauryl, Haeden, Alivia and Kailyn and a handful of animals :).
After that, we headed to Jim's Aunt Jane and Uncle Art's house for dinner and LOTS of presents! There we saw his aunt and uncle, his mom and Grandma Elena, Auntie Elaine, cousins David, Marisa, Elizabeth, Uncle Al, Aunt Blanca, and Jim's step cousins Christina, Simon and Julie.
Ryan checking out the tree...

...and having fun with Daddy...

Jenna checking out the tree....

Ryan and his cool new blocks and wagon from Uncle Al, Aunt Blanca and Elizabeth....

More presents....

Checking out Auntie Elaine's necklace...

With Uncle Al...

...and then Grandma Elena....

Thumb and "ya-ya"....must be getting sleepy....

That night (Christmas Eve) Jenna put cookies and milk out for Santa and sprinkled reindeer food on the front lawn so that his reindeer knew where to go and would have a snack when they landed!! It was so cute!

Putting the cookies and milk out for the big guy..


Yummy stuff!!

Reindeer food (oatmeal and glitter)....

Gotta make sure to spread it out real good so that the reindeer can locate our house!!

....hope they like their snack!!

The next morning Jenna came into our bedroom and climbed into bed to wake me up. Jim was already awake and came in to tell Jenna that SANTA HAD COME!! Aren't the kids usually the ones to wake up first on Christmas morning??? We then woke Ryan up and went out to open stockings and presents.
We had to do a little this year and put it up out of reach so that little fingers (aka Ryan) couldn't dismantle it...

The stockings....after Santa had worked his magic....

Santa was VERY good to both kids. Jenna got a Barbie cash register, a "Zhu Zhu Pet" (the hot toy this year...although she could care less), and LOTS of toys, games and clothes. Ryan got tons of toys as well and some yummy snacks in his stocking. They both made out like bandits!


Jim teaching Jenna how to play twister....

That night, we spent time at my parents house where we got to see my parents, Uncle Scott, Auntie Kim, Madison, Mackenzie, Aunt Jo-el, Uncle Bob, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Ron, Krysti (and her boyfriend Nathan), Janelle, U.S., Jacob and Gabriel, and Laura and Darrin. We did our usual steal-a-gift gift exchange (lots of funny stuff this year - from snuggies to breathalyzers!).

The whole family eating dinner....we have to turn the living room into a dining room cause we are just ....that...big....

The girls eating dinner (sort of)

Scott (my brother) was holding Mackenzie.....

So Jim, being the good brother in law he is.....helped him by cutting his meat for him....

...and then went the extra mile by feeding it to him. I thought I was gonna be sick. ;)

The girls entertaining themselves before the present opening began. Don't you just LOVE our powder blue folding chairs?? :)

Mr. Smiles....

The grandkids: L - R Gabriel, Jacob, Ryan, Jenna, Mackenzie & Madison

The girls: L-R My mom, me, Aunt Kathy, Mackenzie, Kim, Aunt Jo-el, Madison, Laura, Janelle, Jenna, Stephanie & Krysti

The guys: L-R Nathan, Darrin, Scott, Ryan, John, Jim, My Dad (blue shirt), Uncle Bob, Gabriel, U.S., Jacob and Uncle Ron

My dad stealing puffs from his only grandson...

Mackenzie giving her daddy the evil eye...

The next day....Ryan got a haircut (more on that later) and we spent the day with my parents, Uncle Scott and Aunt Kim, Madison, Mackenzie and Mimi and Boppa opening MORE gifts and eating pizza!
Mimi and Boppa with their great-grandkids....

Jenna and Maddie got HANNAH MONTANA PANTIES AND WATCHES from Mimi and Boppa!!!

Yep....Hannah Montana is a hot item with these girls!!
Mackenzie giving her Blue Steel face....

These two LOVE to be in their JAMMIES!

It was a TERRIFIC Christmas full of family, food and gifts. Who could ask for anything more??