Just wanted to document a very scary event in little Ryan's life. Last week, Jenna came down with a horrible cold...complete with cough, runny nose...the works. On Friday, Ryan started coughing and I ended up spending a good amount of time on both Friday and Saturday with both kids in the doctors office.
Fast forward to Monday. Ryan was starting to wheeze and seemed so uncomfortable I figured he must have RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) but I wasn't sure how serious it was. I ended up taking him to my cousin Krysti's house to have her take a look at him. She is a nurse at the local children's hospital. I was expecting her to tell me I was worrying too much and that he was fine. Instead, she listened to his breathing, heartrate...etc. and told me I would be wise to take him to the ER. So...I did. They gave him a breathing treatment, took some lung x-rays and a nose swab (confirming the RSV diagnosis) and admitted him! He spent two days hooked up to the monitors and oxygen. It was a scary experience!
We are home now and Ryan seems to be starting to feel a lot better. The two days he spent in the hospital he was so pitiful. He just laid there...hooked up to the oxygen..etc and I couldn't really hold him, nurse him, or anything...and he didn't really seem to mind. He just slept the days and nights away. He's much more alert now that we are back home and seems to be on the mend.
This is one milestone I hope we never have to experience again!